TITBITS: 27.07.2024


1. A recent study, published
in Nature, has revealed that the Gulf Stream was significantly
stronger during the last ice age (about 20,000 years ago) due to more
powerful winds across the subtropical North Atlantic.

2. India is set to launch its first offshore mineral
auctions(Andaman sea and Gujarat coast), marking a significant step in resource
The auctions will be conducted under the Offshore
Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act (OAMDR), 2002.

3. The Supreme Court called for a balance between
developing railway infrastructure in Haldwani, and the fundamental right to
shelter for people accused of illegally occupying railway land.The court
further said that its orders cannot also be misinterpreted as a note of
encouragement for future encroachments on public land.

4. Recently, the Prime Minister of India inaugurated
the Indian Newspaper Society (INS) Towers on his visit to the Indian Newspaper
Society (INS) Secretariat in Mumbai. It would serve as the nerve center for the
newspaper industry.

5. Recently, at the High-Level Political Forum on
Sustainable Development at the United Nations headquarters in New York,
indigenous tribal communities from Rajasthan showcased their traditional
practices as effective solutions to global challenges.
Damor, Damaria, Dhanka, Tadvi, Tetaria, Valvi, Seharia, Sehria, Sahariya, Koli
and Turi are some of the scheduled tribes found in Rajasthan.