TIT BITS: 02.07.2024


1. The 16th “Nomadic Elephant” Joint Military Exercise will
take place between the 
Indian Army and the
Mongolian Army


2. In Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh, archaeologists found an
ostrich nest that is 41,000 years old. This is the oldest known nest of its
kind anywhere in the world. The site gave us important information about the
megafauna of prehistoric India, including possible hints about how they went


3. Together with Solar Industries, the Indian Navy has
created SEBEX 2, a cutting-edge bomb that is 2.01 times more powerful than TNT.
TNT is Trinitrotoluene. TNT is a yellow solid
that is often seen as a reagent in the chemical synthesis process but is
commonly known for being an explosive substance with smooth handling


4. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
recently released its World Drug Report 2024. This report highlights escalating
concerns in the international drug landscape, drawing global attention to the