TITBITS: 18.07.2024



World’s first hydrogen-powered commercial ferry launches in San Francisco

current diesel-powered ferries that emit pollutants, the hydrogen-powered Sea
Change produces only heat and water vapor as byproducts.


Archaeological value of coins found belong to French India and used by Ali Raja
of Arakkal dynasty who ruled Kannur region in 16th century.


3. A
new research study reveals that warm blooded animals living on islands face the
danger of extinction due to adoption of slow metabolism contrary to their
continental counterparts.


India to send 117 athletes to Paris Olympics 2024, marginally less than Japan,
but have 140 support staffs.


Win Portal - digitises India's Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP), single
source of information for immunisation services, updating vaccination status,
delivery outcome, planning of RI sessions and reports like antigen-wise
coverage, etc.


Haryana announces 10% Agniveer quota in recruitment for police, forest dept


Maharashtra govt to spend Rs 5,500 crore on internship scheme giving stipend to
unemployed youth


8. Global Economic
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its latest World
Economic Outlook, revising global growth projections amidst ongoing supply
chain disruptions and inflation concerns.


9. The Jerdon's
Courser, a critically endangered bird species endemic to scrubland in Andhra
Pradesh, faces severe threats from habitat loss and hunting, with estimated
population in the double digits.