TIT BITS: 24.09.2024


1. Navika Sagar Parikrama

women Navy officers to embark on circumnavigation mission on October 2


circumnavigation mission
Indian Navy

Conducted under the aegis of
– Indian Naval Sailing Association based at Naval
Headquarters, New Delhi, and the Ocean Sailing Node in Goa,
part of the Southern Naval Command

1st conceived
in 2017 when an all-women crew of 6 Indian Navy
officers successfully circumnavigated the globe.


2. Legacy Waste

to Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs’ Data, only 16% of land is reclaimed
under ‘legacy waste management project of Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) 2.0’


Refers to the aged municipal solid waste (MSW) in landfills or dumpsites.

Impact – Releases greenhouse
gases, contamination of soil and groundwater, etc.

Ways to deal – Sustainable SWM
management plan, maximum utilisation of recovered fractions, building capacity
of urban departments, reusing reclaimed land sustainably


3. Exercise Eastern Bridge VI

7th edition of the Exercise Eastern Bridge


Held between – Indian Air Force (IAF) and the Royal Air Force of Oman (RAFO)

Held at – Masirah (Oman)


4. Nagar Van Scheme

Nagar Vans have been sanctioned within the last 100 days.


Launched in – 2020.

Aim – To develop 1000 Nagar Vans
by the year 2027

Financial support offered by
– National Fund of National Compensatory Afforestation Management
& Planning Authority (CAMPA).

Launched by – Union Ministry of
Environment, Forest and Climate Change


5. ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement

12th East Asia Summit Economic Ministers Meeting in Lao PDR, India called for
expeditious review of the AITIGA.


Genesis – Signed in 2009 and
entered into force in 2010.

Mandate – Each party shall accord National Treatment to goods of other parties in line with
, 1994.

Need for review – Goods from
China and other non- ASEAN nations routing to India taking advantage of duty
concessions under AITIGA.


6. Project 200

Bengaluru-based space startup Bellatrix
Aerospace recently unveiled Project 200 on the inaugural day of the Bengaluru
Space Expo 2024.

  • Bengaluru-based startup Bellatrix
    Aerospace announced the development of Project 200
    , a satellite to be
    placed in Ultra-Low Earth Orbit (ULEO), between 180 km and 250 km

  • Although, historically, satellites have been
    sent to higher orbits above 450 km to reduce interference by the
    atmosphere, Project 200 has a lower orbit which offers a lot of
    breakthrough benefits.