TIT BITS: 17.08.2024


1. A newly discovered orchid species,
Gastrodia indica, was found in Fambonglho Wildlife Sanctuary in Sikkim, India,
by botanist Madhusudan Khanal. This orchid is notable because it does not open
its flowers, a rare trait among orchids, making it the first known
cleistogamous orchid in India.

2. The Indian automobile industry will soon
see a new addition—a tiny electric car called the Robin. This new car is
designed to make personal travel easier and greener, and it’s expected to help
reduce city traffic congestion. The car is created by a startup called Wings
EV, founded by Pranav Dandekar and his father Prakash. It’s set to launch in
Bengaluru in April 2025.

3. According to a
study, Climate change may decrease the distribution range of the Malabar Tree Toad
by up to 68.7 percent of the current estimated distribution in
India’s protected areas (PAs).

4. The Union Minister of Port Shipping and
Waterways, launched the Standard operating procedure (SOP) for Green Tug
Transition Program (GTTP) in New Delhi. The GTTP is designed to phase
out conventional fuel-based harbor tugs
 operating in Indian Major
Ports and replace them with green tugs powered by cleaner and more sustainable
alternative fuels.