NEWS :  Opposition parties prepare to move no-confidence motion against Vice-President



About 50 MPs have come together on the decision, saying they should be given the space and time to speak, that the House should be run on rules and convention and that Jagdeep Dhankhar must refrain from personal remarks against members


No-Confidence Motion Against the Vice-President:

  1. Context of the No-Confidence Motion:
    • The Opposition is considering moving a no-confidence motion against Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar.
    • This move is based on grievances related to his handling of parliamentary proceedings, particularly allegations of restricting Opposition speech and making personal remarks against members.
    • Despite lacking the necessary numbers, the Opposition aims to highlight its concerns and formally put its sentiments on record during the next parliamentary session.
  2. Constitutional Basis: Article 67(B) of the Indian Constitution:
    • Removal of the Vice-President: Article 67(B) provides the constitutional mechanism for the removal of the Vice-President of India.
    • Rajya Sabha’s Role: A resolution to remove the Vice-President must be passed by a majority of all the then members of the Rajya Sabha (Council of States).
    • Lok Sabha’s Role: The resolution must also be agreed to by the Lok Sabha (House of the People) with a simple majority.
    • This type of majority is known as effective majority
    • Notice Requirement: The resolution to remove the Vice-President must be preceded by at least fourteen days’ notice to allow for adequate preparation and deliberation.
  3. Advantages of the Process Outlined in Article 67(B):
    • Rigorous Process: The requirement for a majority of all members in the Rajya Sabha and a simple majority in the Lok Sabha ensures that the decision to remove the Vice-President is not taken lightly. This rigorous process demands broad parliamentary consensus, thereby preventing arbitrary or politically motivated removal.
    • Prevention of Abuse: The fourteen-day notice period is crucial for preventing hasty decisions. It allows time for thorough deliberation and gives all parties the opportunity to present their views, thereby safeguarding against the misuse of the removal process.
    • Checks and Balances: The necessity of dual approval from both Houses of Parliament (Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha) helps maintain a balance of power. This ensures that the decision to remove the Vice-President is representative of the entire Parliament, rather than being driven by a single House or political faction.
  4. Historical Context and Significance:
    • Rare and Significant Process: The process outlined in Article 67(B) is rare and significant, emphasizing the gravity of removing a Vice-President from office. The procedural rigor involved reflects the seriousness with which such a motion is treated.
    • Unprecedented Nature: No Vice-President has ever been removed from office in Indian parliamentary history. This makes the process both unprecedented and challenging, highlighting the exceptional nature of such a motion.
  5. Implications of the Motion:
    • Political Strategy: The Opposition’s consideration of this motion, even without the necessary numbers to succeed, indicates a strategic move to bring their concerns to the forefront of parliamentary debate.
    • Public and Parliamentary Discourse: The motion could potentially shift the focus of parliamentary and public discourse towards the functioning of the Vice-President and the broader issues related to parliamentary procedures and conduct.
  6. Conclusion:
    • The no-confidence motion against the Vice-President, as per Article 67(B), represents a significant constitutional process that underscores the importance of checks and balances within the Indian parliamentary system. While the success of such a motion remains uncertain, its consideration highlights the ongoing dynamics and tensions within the Indian political landscape.


Source :,an%20effective%20majority%20and%20agreed