NEWS: World
Hindi Day is celebrated every year on Jnauary 10
Key Takeaways
Hindi Language
Is Hindi India’s National Language?
India does not have a national language. The Constitution recognizes 22 languages under the Eighth Schedule,
but none is designated as the “national language.”
Article 351 of the Constitution directs the Union to promote Hindi as a
medium of expression for India’s composite culture. However, this promotion
must respect the diversity of India’s linguistic landscape and not interfere
with the forms, styles, and expressions used in other languages, such as
How Widely is Hindi Spoken in India?
According to the 2011 linguistic census, 52.8 crore people (43.6% of the population)
identify Hindi as their mother tongue, making it the most widely spoken language in India.
Bengali is the second-most widely spoken language, with 9.7 crore speakers (8%), which is less than
one-fifth of Hindi’s count.
An additional 13.9 crore people (11%) reported Hindi as their second language, meaning over 55% of India’s population can speak Hindi either as
their first or second language.
Use of Hindi in Indian Courts
According to Article 348 of the Constitution, all proceedings in the Supreme Court and High Courts, as well as official
documents such as Acts, Bills, ordinances, and rules, must be conducted in English, unless Parliament decides otherwise.
Under Article 348(2), Hindi or any other state’s official language can be used in
High Court proceedings if authorized by the Governor and approved by the President of India.
However, any judgment, decree, or order issued in such
languages must also include an English translation.
Section 7 of the Official Languages Act allows the Governor,
with the President’s consent, to authorize the use of Hindi or the state’s
official language for High Court judgments, provided an English translation
accompanies them.
in between World Hindi Day and National Hindi Day
Hindi Day is observed on 10 January every year while National Hindi Day is
celebrated on 14 September as a day that marked the adoption of Hindi as the
official language of India in 1949.
are major differences in between World Hindi Day and National Hindi Day:
Aspect |
Hindi Day |
Hindi Day |
Date |
10 |
14 |
Focus |
Hindi globally |
Hindi as India’s official language |
Observed |
2006 |
1953 |
Significance |
international importance |
its role in Indian governance |
World Hindi Day celebrates the richness and global
relevance of the Hindi language, emphasizing its importance as a tool for
cultural unity and international communication. While Hindi has achieved
significant milestones, including recognition at the UN, its promotion faces
challenges in India’s diverse linguistic landscape and in sectors like the
judiciary. The day serves as a platform to address these challenges and work
toward the greater recognition of Hindi as a global language.