NEWS: Untreated solid waste pose risk of Public Health Emergency



The Supreme Court expressed concern that the mounting untreated solid waste in the Delhi would lead to a public health emergency.

Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016

Replacement and Focus:

  • Replaced: Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000.
  • Emphasis on:
    • Waste segregation at the source.
    • Manufacturers’ responsibility for sanitary and packaging wastes.
    • User fees from bulk generators for collection, disposal, and processing.


Key Features:

  1. Waste Segregation:
    • Residents must separate waste into:
      • Wet (biodegradable)
      • Dry (recyclable)
      • Hazardous
  2. User Fees and Fines:
    • User fees for waste collection.
    • Fines for littering or improper segregation.
  3. Composting/Bio-Methanation:
    • Encouragement of composting or bio-methanation of biodegradable waste.
  4. Municipal Responsibilities:
    • Collection of segregated waste.
    • Proper processing and disposal.
    • Levying user fees to cover costs.
  5. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR):
    • Manufacturers of disposables must financially support waste management systems.


Highlighted Initiatives in Waste Management:

  1. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Mechanism:
    • Policy approach holding producers accountable for the lifecycle of their products.
    • Producers responsible for collection, recycling, and disposal.
    • Implemented for plastic packaging, E-waste, battery waste, and used oil in 2022.
  2. Waste Processing Capacity:
    • 76% of 1.5 lakh MT/D of urban waste processed.
    • Significant capacity increase since 2014.
    • Expansion under Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban).
  3. Swachh Bharat Mission for Solid Waste Management:
    • Central assistance for solid waste and plastic waste management.
    • Swachh Bharat Mission Urban 2.0 (2021) aims for “Garbage Free Cities.”
    • Focus on:
      • Door-to-door collection
      • Source segregation
      • Scientific processing
      • Reducing single-use plastic
      • Managing construction-and-demolition waste
      • Bio-remediation of waste dump sites.
    • Swachh Bharat Mission – Grameen Phase II focuses on village-level solid waste management.
  4. Waste Management Rules and Guidelines:
    • Rules under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 include:
      • Solid Waste Management Rules (2016)
      • Plastic Waste Management Rules (2016)
      • Bio-medical Waste Management Rules (2016)
      • Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules (2016)
      • Hazardous and other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules (2016)
      • E-waste Management Rules (2022)
      • Battery Waste Management Rules (2022).
    • Guidelines for environmentally sound waste management.
    • Guidelines for environmental damages/environmental compensation based on the polluter pays principle.
