News: SCO Chief Justices' meet begins, Pak attends online


What's in the news?

       The eighteenth meeting of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Courts of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Member States was hosted in New Delhi by the Supreme Court of India.


Key takeaways:

       India assumed rotational presidency of the SCO for a year in September 2022 through the Samarkand declaration last year.

       Pakistan was the only country which skipped the three-day conference hosted by India. It was joined through video conferencing.

       The meeting of Chief Justices of the Supreme Courts of SCO member states was hosted by India from March 10 to 12 in New Delhi.

       It was presided over by the Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud.

       The member states, after the meeting, collectively entrusted the presidency for the next meeting of Chief Justices/Chairmans to Uzbekistan on rotation for the year 2024.



       Chief Justices/ Judges from the member and observer states.

       Members from SCO Secretariat and SCO RATS (Regional Anti-terrorist Structure).


Key highlights of CJI speech:

1. Urged to strive for judicial cooperation:

       CJI called on the SCO member states to strive for judicial cooperation in order to make the judicial system more approachable for the common people.

       He stressed the need to collectively adopt new mechanisms to make court processes simpler and accessible.

2. Technology must be used to bridge the gap:

       CJI Chandrachud said technology must be used to bridge the gap between citizens and the justice system.

       In this context, he shared the recent initiatives taken by the Supreme Court of India. These include:

       The launching e-version of Supreme Court reports,

       Artificial intelligence-based live transcription of court proceedings

       Translation of judgments in multiple regional languages.

       The approach taken by SC of India to overcome challenges posed by COVID-19

       CJI Chandrachud shared the challenges faced by the judicial institution during the COVID-19 pandemic.

3. Minimising impacts of COVID-19 on judiciary:

       He highlighted the measures taken by their judiciaries to minimize the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. These included:

       Adoption of technology for virtual hearings.

       Live-streaming of court proceedings, and

       e-filing undertaken by the Indian judiciary.


Go to the basics:


       It is a permanent intergovernmental international organisation of Eurasian Nations with a secretariat in Beijing.


Parties of SCO:

 Member states

 Observer States

 Dialogue Partners


















 Sri Lanka


Official languages: Russian and Chinese.



Heads of State Council:

       It is the supreme SCO body that decides its internal functioning and its interaction with other States & international organisations.

       It also considers contemporary international issues.


Heads of Government Council:

       It approves the budget, considers and decides upon issues related to economic spheres of interaction within SCO.


Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs:

       It considers issues related to day-to-day activities.


Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS):

       It was established to combat terrorism, separatism and extremism.


SCO Secretariat:

       It is based in Beijing.

       It provides informational, analytical & organisational support.