News: The silence around the state’s seizure of India’s press


What's in the news?

       India is passing through a transitory emergency as well as a marked phase of digital authoritarianism.


Importance of Press Freedom:

1. Strengthening a nation:

       Free media works towards strengthening the sovereignty and integrity of a nation.

2. Fundamental to a democratic society:

       The freedom of press is fundamental to a democratic society like India for it is helpful in strengthening democracy.

3. Check on Government and Administrators:

       An independent press and news-media press acts as an important check on Government and Administrators.

4. Voice against any social ill or wrong:

       It is also responsible to raise voice against any social ill or wrong.

5. Acts for the public:

       At national, regional and local level, it is the public’s voice, activist and guardian as well as educator, entertainer and contemporary chronicler.

6. Source of information:

       An unbiased information is important for a democracy and its growth. Media helps in providing critical information to citizens.

       Example: Data on economy, health, education etc. must be correct and accurate without any bias toward the government.

7. Educate:

       Media is important to educate people on issues that are of utmost important for society.

       Example: Increasing number of rape cases are threat to society. It is important to report the exact number of cases and help in sensitizing the society.

8. Awareness:

       Media make society aware of their democratic rights and fight the three institutions of democracy.

9. Watchdog:

       Media reporting on public affairs and investigations into wrongdoing in the administration of public affairs is a must for a healthy democracy.

       This includes exposing frauds or corruption cases that personally benefit politicians. This helps citizens to vote for the best government, defeating corrupt and dishonest governments.

10. Good governance:

       Media plays an important role in audits of government policies and spending. An unbiased media is important for transparent reporting.


Reasons for Dip in India’s Ranking in Press Freedom Index:

1. Political motivation:

       The report mentions that Indian authorities have targeted journalists and online critics in recent times driven by political motivation.

2. Wrongful prosecution:

       It also talked about journalists getting prosecuted under counterterrorism and sedition laws thereby cracking down on dissent.

3. Threats and violence:

       It is said that journalists have been threatened, harassed and abused by communal forces within the country.

4. Kashmir issue:

       The situation in Kashmir remains “worrisome” and reporters are often harassed by police and paramilitaries.



       Respecting and protecting the constitutional right to freedom of expression and information for all citizens, including journalists.

       Repealing or amending laws that can be used to harass and silence journalists, such as sedition, defamation and contempt of court.

       Ensuring that journalists can work safely and securely without facing threats or attacks from any quarter.

       Promoting media literacy and ethics among both journalists and audiences to combat disinformation and propaganda.

       Supporting media pluralism and diversity by encouraging independent and alternative voices and outlets.