News: China to resume ‘Panda Diplomacy’ with US and Europe, what does this mean?


What's in the news?

       China said it will renew its “Panda Diplomacy" efforts with the US and other nations after spending recent years bringing the bears it loans to foreign zoos back home.


Panda Diplomacy:

       Gifting or giving as loans the endemic pandas as a symbol of friendship or soft policy to other countries by Chinese government.



       Essentially picked up in the mid-to-late 20th century, however it existed as early as during the Tang Dynasty that ruled between 7th and 10th century.


China’s Gifts of Panda:

       Has gifted pandas to countries like the U.S., the U.K., France and Japan, and 1972 is often believed to be the start of modern panda diplomacy.

       Stopped gifting pandas in early 1980s, and instead started loaning them at a fee of around $1 million per year


Significance of Diplomacy:

       It shows pandas as envoys of friendship between the Chinese and American peoples

       Panda deals with Canada, France and Australia coincided with these countries’ uranium deals and contracts with China.


Giant Pandas:

       Rarest member of the bear family.



       Distinctive black and white coat (adored by the world).



       Considered as a national treasure in China.

       A special significance for WWF because it has been our logo since our founding in 1961.



       Temperate forests high in the mountains of southwest China.



       Feeds entirely on bamboo.


Conservation Status:

       IUCN – Vulnerable



       They use their enlarged wrist bones that function as opposable thumbs.

       These bears are excellent tree climbers despite their bulk.



       Hunting and Habitat loss.