News: SEBI may implement one-hour settlement of trades by March 2024, instantaneous settlement by Oct 2024


What's in the news?

       The Securities and Exchange Board of India's (SEBI's) sources revealed plans to overhaul the settlement process in the Indian stock market, aimed at significantly reducing the time taken for trade settlements.


Key takeaways:

       As per the sources, SEBI is gearing up to implement a one-hour settlement of trades.

       The move, scheduled to come into effect by March 2024, is expected to expedite the settlement process, allowing investors to access their funds and securities within a mere one-hour timeframe after the trade execution.

About the scheme:

       Under this scheme, when an investor sells a share, the money from the sale will be credited to their account within one hour, and the buyer will receive the purchased shares in their DEMAT account within the same time frame.

       Currently operating on a T+1 settlement cycle, where trade-related settlements occur within 24 hours.



       Faster Transactions

       Enhanced Liquidity

       Risk Reduction

       Investor Convenience



       Requires advanced technology

       Need for high technical infrastructure