News: Income inequality declines, says SBI research unit countering K-shaped eco recovery claims


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       As per the State Bank of India’s report, the claims of K-shaped economic recovery in India as “prejudiced” and “ill-concocted” because income inequality has declined in India with a higher tax base and a shift in taxpayers from lower income to higher income tax bracket.


K-shaped Recovery:

       It is a recovery in which the performance of different parts of the economy diverges like the arms of the letter “K.”

       In a K-shaped recovery, some parts of the economy may experience strong growth while others continue to decline.


Evidences of K-shaped Recovery:

       COVID has triggered an effective income transfer from the poor to the rich, leading to increased inequality.

       Households at the top of the pyramid are likely to have seen their incomes largely protected, and savings rates forced up during the lockdown, increasing ‘fuel in the tank’ to drive future consumption.

       Meanwhile, households at the bottom have experienced a permanent loss of income in the forms of jobs and wage cuts

       Consequence: This will be demand-impeding because the poor have a higher marginal propensity to consume (ie they tend to spend (instead of saving) a much higher proportion of their income.

       Visible Manifestation: Passenger vehicle registrations (proxying upper-end consumption) have grown about 4% since October while two-wheelers have contracted 15%.


Other Recovery Curves:

Z-shaped recovery:

       It is the most-optimistic scenario in which the economy quickly rises after an economic crash.

       In this economic disruption lasts for a small period wherein more than people’s incomes, it is their ability to spend is restricted.


V-shaped recovery:

       It is the next-best scenario after Z-shaped recovery in which the economy quickly recoups lost ground and gets back to the normal growth trend-line.

       In this, incomes and jobs are not permanently lost, and the economic growth recovers sharply and returns to the path it was following before the disruption.


U-shaped recovery:

       It is a scenario in which the economy, after falling, struggles around a low growth rate for some time, before rising gradually to usual levels.

       In this case several jobs are lost and people fall upon their savings.

       If this process is more-long drawn than it throws up the “elongated U” shape.


W-shaped recovery:

       A W-shaped recovery is a dangerous creature. In this, growth falls and rises, but falls again before recovering, thus forming a W-like chart.

       The double-dip depicted by a W-shaped recovery can be due to the second wave of the pandemic.


L-shaped recovery:

       In this, the economy fails to regain the level of GDP even after years go by.

       The shape shows that there is a permanent loss to the economy’s ability to produce.