News: Explained | The Fukushima N-wastewater controversy


What's in the news?

       Last month, amid strong backlash from the public and neighbouring countries, Japan began the release of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea.


Key takeaways:

       On April 13, 2021, Japan’s government announced plans to release over one million tonnes of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea over the next 30 years.

       The wastewater is a byproduct of the catastrophic 2011 earthquake and tsunami, which disabled the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, leading to the release of radioactive materials.

       Radioactive pollution occurs when radioactive materials are present or deposited in the atmosphere or environment


Nuclear Waste:

       Nuclear waste is waste radiated during the nuclear energy production process.

       The nuclear plant produces radioactive nuclear waste.

       It can cause serious damage to human health and the environment

       One must avoid coming in contact with such radioactive nuclear wastes.


Issues of Fukushima Nuclear Waste:

1. Health Impacts:

       Environmental groups like Greenpeace say that radioactive materials (like carbon-14) can remain in water post-discharge.

       It results in their concentration in the food chain, and further creates multiple health problems.

2. Effect on Marine Ecosystem:

       There is a fear that some aquatic animals may die. As the waste discharge might hamper the stability of the marine ecosystem. 

3. Blow to Fishing Industry:

       Water release will also threaten the confidence of the masses regarding the quality of seafood.

       People might start consuming less. Thus, hampering the livelihood of fishermen.

4. Mistrust among neighbours:

       Both China and South Korea have criticised the Japanese plan to release radioactive water. This may hinder their future relations.


Nuclear Waste Disposal in India:

       In India the nuclear waste disposal is based on the concept of – ‘Delay and Delay’, ‘Dilute and Disperse’, ‘Concentrate and Contain’.

       Effective management involves segregation, characterization, handling, treatment, conditioning and monitoring of nuclear waste prior to its final disposal.

       A low level of waste is stored for 10- 50 years. It allows most of the radioactive isotopes in low-level waste to decay. After that, it is disposed of as normal refuse.

       The management of high-level waste in the Indian context encompasses the following three stages: 

       Proper Labelling - Any material containing radioactive material must be labelled, with the required precautions stated on the label’s content.

       Immobilization of high-level liquid waste into vitrified borosilicate glasses through the process of vitrification.

       Vitrification is the rapid cooling of the liquid medium in the absence of ice crystal formation. The solution forms an amorphous glass as a result of rapid cooling.

       India has operating vitrification plants at Tarapur and Trombay.

       Engineered interim storage of the vitrified waste for passive cooling & surveillance over a period of time, qualifying it for ultimate disposal.

       Ultimate storage/disposal of the vitrified waste in a deep geological repository.


Concerns associated with Nuclear Waste:

1. Long Half-Life:

       The products of nuclear fission have long half-lives. This means that they will continue to be radioactive for thousands of years and pose a risk to the surrounding environment.

2. Storage Sites:

       It is very difficult to find a suitable disposal site for them due to environmental and public concerns.

3. Grave health impacts:

       The biggest concern is the negative effects it can have on the human body when exposed to radiation. Long-term exposure to nuclear waste radiation can even cause cancer.

4. Adverse impact on nature:

       Not disposing of nuclear waste properly can have huge environmental impacts. It can cause genetic problems for many generations of animals and plants. Further contamination of water, air, and soil can also occur.

5. Financial Strain:

       If any nuclear accident occurs, then the cost of cleaning everything up and making everything safe once again is very high.



       Japan should release the wastewater gradually in accordance with international standards. Further Fukushima’s food products in Fukushima have to adhere to the 50 Bq/kg radiation. This will win consumer trust.

       Japan is using an extensive pumping and filtration system known as “ALPS (Advanced Liquid Processing System)”. The ALPS process helps in extraction of tonnes of newly radioactive water.

       In the Indian context, India should construct a deep geological repository for disposing of high-level waste. The government has to give priority to the areas having remoteness from the environment and the absence of circulating groundwater in such construction.

       The repository must have the ability to contain radionuclides for geologically long periods of time.

       Similarly, due adherence to Environmental impact assessment is also observed before establishing a waste disposal facility.

       India also has to enable Greater Research and Development towards the development of new vitrification technologies like Cold Crucible Induction Melting (CCIM).

       It has the capability to treat various high-level waste forms with better waste loading and enhanced melter life.


India requires nuclear energy in the form of an alternate fuel that would meet its future demand and climate commitments. Nuclear plants can be established and operated only when there is significant public trust in their functioning. This automatically demands the safe disposal and management of nuclear waste.