News: Wave of new commitments marks historic step towards the elimination of cervical cancer


What's in the news?

       Governments, donors, multilateral institutions, and partners today announced major new policy, programmatic and financial commitments, including nearly US$ 600 million in new funding, to eliminate cervical cancer.


Key takeaways:

       These commitments were made at the first-ever Global Cervical Cancer Elimination Forum: Advancing the Call to Action in Cartagena de India’s, Colombia, to catalyse national and global momentum to end this preventable disease.

       Every two minutes, a woman dies from cervical cancer, although the knowledge and the tools to prevent and even eliminate this disease already exist.

       Vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) – the leading cause of cervical cancer – can prevent the vast majority of cases and, combined with screening and treatment, provides a path to elimination.

       Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women worldwide, and continues to disproportionately impact women and their families in low and middle-income countries (LMICs).

       In an important shift, the World Health Organization (WHO)’s 2022 global recommendation for one-dose HPV vaccine schedules significantly reduced barriers to scaling up vaccination programs.


Human Papillomavirus (HPV):

       HPV is a group of more than 200 related viruses, of which more than 40 are spread through direct sexual contact.

       Among these, two HPV types cause genital warts, and about a dozen HPV types can cause certain types of cancer.

       More than 95% of cervical cancer is caused by the HPV virus.



       It is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) globally.

       It also spreads through skin-to-skin contact.

       Once infected, most people do not develop any symptoms, thereby not being aware that they have the virus.

       Most of the time, the body can find and clear out HPV. But if the virus stays in the body for a long time, it can cause cancer.

       Getting vaccinated against HPV helps prevent cancer in men and women.


HPV Vaccination:

       The HPV vaccine is a series of shots that can protect you from an HPV infection.

       It prevents HPV infections that can progress to cancer or genital warts.

       The HPV vaccination is more efficacious if given between the age group of 9-26 years.

       Once a person gets HPV, the vaccine may not be as effective.

       The HPV vaccine isn't given during pregnancy.


Go back to basics:

Cervical Cancer:

       It starts in the cells of the cervix. The cervix is the lower, narrow end of the uterus (womb).

       In a small percentage of people the virus survives for years, contributing to the process that causes some cervical cells to become cancer cells.



       Various strains of the Human papillomavirus (HPV) play a role in causing most cervical cancer.

       Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted infection which can affect the skin, genital area and throat.

       When exposed to HPV, the body's immune system typically prevents the virus from harming.


Types of HPV Vaccines Available:

       Quadrivalent vaccine (Gardasil): It protects against four types of HPV (HPV 16, 18, 6 and 11).

       Bivalent vaccine (Cervarix): It protects against HPV 16 and 18 only.

       Non-valent vaccine (Gardasil 9): It protects against nine strains of HPV.


CERVAVAC - India’s Indigenous Vaccine:

       It is India’s first indigenously developed quadrivalent human papillomavirus (qHPV) vaccine that is said to be effective against four strains of the virus - Type 6, Type 11, Type 16 and Type 18.

       A quadrivalent vaccine is a vaccine that works by stimulating an immune response against four different antigens, such as four different viruses or other microorganisms.

       CERVAVAC is based on VLP (Virus-Like Particles), similar to the Hepatitis B vaccination.



       The vaccine has received the Drugs Controller GeneraI of India’s approval and has been cleared by the government advisory panel NTAGI for use in the public health programme.



       It has a significant potential to eliminate cervical cancer and it would be helpful if included in national HPV vaccination efforts and offered at a lower cost than existing vaccinations.

       The vaccine is extremely effective only when it's administered before the first sexual intercourse.