News: States’ gross fiscal deficit likely to decline to 3.4% of GDP in FY23: RBI report


What's in the news?

       According to an RBI study on State finances, the fiscal health of States has improved from a sharp pandemic-induced deterioration in 2020-21 on the back of a broad-based economic recovery and high revenue collections with their gross fiscal deficit (GFD) budgeted to decline from 4.1% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020-21 to 3.4% in 2022-23.


Key takeaways:

       While State's debt is budgeted to ease to 29.5 % of GDP in 2022-23 as against 31.1% in 2020-21, it is still higher than the 20% recommended by the N.K. Singh Committee for reviewing FRBM Act in 2018, warranting prioritization of debt consolidation.


Fiscal Deficit:

       Fiscal deficit is the difference between the total income of the government (total taxes and non-debt capital receipts) and its total expenditure.

       It is a measure of government borrowing in a year.

       It is to be noted that while calculating the total revenue, borrowings are not included.


Impact of High Debt to GDP ratio:

       Crowding out effect.

       Major part of the budget goes to interest payments.

       Poor ratings by credit rating agencies.

       Higher borrowing cost.


FRBM Target by N. K. Singh Committee:

       Debt-to-GDP ratio: Bringing down the debt-to-GDP ratio of the center to 40% and that of states to 20% by 2024-25.


Measures needed:

       To crowd in private investment, the state governments may continue to focus on creating a congenial ecosystem for the private sector to thrive.

       States also need to encourage and facilitate higher inter-state trade and businesses to realize the full benefit of spillover effects of State capex across the country.


Go back to basics:

N. K. Singh Committee Recommendations on FRBM Act:

       The NK Singh Committee proposed to create an autonomous Fiscal Council with a chairperson and two members to be appointed by the center. The Fiscal council's responsibilities would include

       preparing multi-year fiscal forecasts,

       recommending changes to the fiscal strategy,

       improving the quality of fiscal data,

       advising the government if conditions exist for deviating from the fiscal target, and

       advising the government to take corrective action if the Bill is not followed.

       The committee recommended that the 15th Finance Commission should be asked to recommend the debt trajectory for individual states.

       Bringing down the debt-to-GDP ratio of the center to 40% and that of states to 20% by 2024-25.

       Target commitments could be deviated under certain circumstances such as a national calamity, war, agricultural collapse, structural reforms in the economy and the real output is less than 3% etc.

       Monetary and fiscal policies should complement each other and help accomplish economic stability and growth.