News: Damselfly species found in Western Ghats named after climate impact on insects


What's in the news?

       A new damselfly species has been discovered in Kerala’s southern Western Ghats.

Key takeaways:

       Researchers from MIT-World Peace University in Pune named the insect ‘Armageddon reedtail’ or protostictaarmageddonia, to draw attention to the global decline of insect populations due to rampant habitat loss and climate change.

Armageddon Reedtail:

       The species was discovered northeast of Thiruvananthapuram.


       Its only habitat is primary montane streams, where it thrives beneath dense canopy cover. 


       It has a captivating dark brown to black body with vibrant greenish-blue eyes, and half of its eight abdominal segments are marked with delicate pale blue markings.

       The new species is distinct from other damselflies.


Ecological Armageddon:

       The term ‘ecological armageddon’ is used to describe the devastating decline of insect populations around the world.

       This phenomenon, also called insect apocalypse, affects entire ecosystems because insects pollinate, cycle nutrients and provide food for other animals.

Go back to basics:


       The study of insects, such as dragonflies, that belong to the zoological group Odonata.