NEWS :  Corals in Great Barrier Reef face existential threat by highest temperatures in 400 years: Study



Study warns of possible demise of one of Earth’s greatest natural wonders, without rapid, coordinated and ambitious global action to combat climate change



  • Classification: Invertebrates from the Cnidaria group.
  • Formation: Created by small organisms called polyps that secrete calcium carbonate exoskeletons.
  • Appearance: Range in color from red to blue, commonly brown and green, due to microscopic algae within polyps.
  • Types of Reefs:
    • Fringing Reefs: Form along shorelines.
    • Barrier Reefs: Form in open water.
    • Atolls: Circular reefs around sunken volcanoes.
  • Significance:
    • Provide habitat and protection for 25% of marine life.
    • Support over 1 billion coastal people through food, livelihoods, and recreation.


Coral Bleaching

  • Cause: Occurs when corals expel algae due to rising sea temperatures, low salinity, cold waters, or pollution, leading to loss of color.


Great Barrier Reef (GBR)

  • Location: North-east coast of Australia.
  • Features:
    • Largest coral reef system.
    • Home to 400 coral types, 1,500 fish species, and 4,000 mollusc species.
    • Habitat for dugongs and large green turtles.
  • Current Concern: Ocean temperatures at GBR are the highest in 407 years, threatening coral existence.


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