News: Russia moves to extend its maritime borders, angering Baltic Sea nations


What's in the news?

       Russia unveiled a bill that would redefine its maritime borders in the Baltic Sea, causing an outcry among Baltic and other northern European countries and fueling geopolitical tensions.


Baltic Sea:

       It is part of the North Atlantic Ocean, situated in Northern Europe.

       It extends northward from the latitude of southern Denmark almost to the Arctic Circle and separates the Scandinavian Peninsula from the rest of continental Europe.


Key Takeaways:

       The Baltic sea connects to the Atlantic Ocean through the Danish Straits.

       It is the largest expanse of brackish water in the world.

       Its water salinity levels are lower than that of the World Oceans due to the inflow of fresh water from the surrounding land and the sea’s shallowness.


Surrounding Countries:

       Denmark, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Finland and Sweden.




       Its depth averages 55 meters, and the deepest part is approximately 459 meters below the sea’s surface.


Gulfs in Baltic Sea:

The Baltic Sea contains three major gulfs such as

       Gulf of Bothnia to the north

       Gulf of Finland to the east

       Gulf of Riga slightly to the south.


Rivers in Baltic Sea:

       More than 250 riversand streams empty their waters into the Baltic Sea.

       Neva is the largest river that drains into the Baltic Sea.



       It is home to over 20 islands and archipelagos.

       Gotland, located off the coast of Sweden, is the largest island in the Baltic Sea.


Go back to basics:

Baltic Nations:

       These are three countries of north-eastern Europe, on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea.

       The Baltic Nations are Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

       They are bounded on the west and north by the Baltic Sea, on the east by Russia, on the southeast by Belarus, and on the southwest by Poland and an exclave of Russia.