NEWS: PM defends Agnipath scheme on anniversary of Kargil War



Agnipath Scheme

Key Points

  1. Recruitment:
    • Annual recruitment: 45,000 to 50,000 soldiers.
    • Service duration: 4 years for most recruits.
    • Permanent commission: 25% of recruits continue for an additional 15 years.
  2. Objectives:
    • Make permanent force levels leaner.
    • Reduce the defence pension bill.
  3. Eligibility Criteria:
    • Applicable for personnel below officer ranks.
    • Age limit: 17.5 to 23 years.
    • Recruitment frequency: Twice a year through rallies.
  4. Post-Selection Process:
    • Training period: 6 months.
    • Deployment period: 3.5 years.
    • Starting salary: Rs 30,000, increasing to Rs 40,000 by the end of 4 years.
    • Seva Nidhi program: 30% salary set aside with equal government contribution and interest accrual.
    • Lump sum amount after 4 years: Rs 11.71 lakh (tax-free).
    • Life insurance cover: Rs 48 lakh.
    • Death payout: Over Rs 1 crore, including pay for unserved tenure.
    • 25% reselected for another 15 years; initial 4 years not counted for retirement benefits.
  5. Recruitment Start:
    • Begins within 90 days of the scheme launch.
    • "All India, all class" recruitment approach, eliminating region and caste-based regiment system in the Army.
  6. Benefits:
    • Reduction in average age of forces from 32 to 26 years in 6-7 years.
    • Creation of "future-ready" soldiers.
    • Enhanced training for new technologies.
    • Increased employment opportunities and higher-skilled workforce.
    • Government support for rehabilitation, skill certificates, and bridge courses for exiting soldiers.
