News: Adaptation Gap Report 2023


What's in the news?

       The UNEP Adaptation Gap Report (AGR) series provides an annual science-based assessment of the global progress on adaptation planning, financing, and implementation.


2023 Report:

       UNEP’s Adaptation Gap Report 2023: Underfinanced - Underprepared – Inadequate investment and planning on climate adaptation leaves the world exposed finds that progress on climate adaptation is slowing when it should be accelerating to catch up with these rising climate change impacts.


Adaptation Gap Report:

       The Adaptation Gap Report (AGR) is an annual UNEP flagship publication.

       The Adaptation Gap Report (AGR) has been published each year since 2014 by the UNEP.


Objective of the Report:

       The report's primary objective is to inform the negotiators of the UNFCCC Member States, and the broader UNFCCC constituency, about the status and trends within climate adaptation at global and regional levels.


Features of the Report:

       The AGR also provides a set of science-based options to policymakers and decision-makers to increase ambition in adapting to climate change across key climate-sensitive sectors.

       Since 2014, UNEP has produced science-based assessments of the adaptation gap with the purpose of facilitating an adequate adaptation response in the context of the temperature and adaptation goals of the UNFCCC process.


Go back to basics:

Adaptation Gap:

       The adaptation gap is the difference between actually implemented adaptation and a goal set by society, determined largely by preferences related to climate change impacts, and reflecting resource limitations and competing priorities.