TITBITS: 01.08.2024


1. ‘Tarang Shakti’, largest multilateral
air exercise in India, to be held in 2 phases in Aug-Sept at Tamilnadu &

2.Union Minister for
Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, Bhupender Yadav, announced the launch
of Ideas4LiFE at IIT Delhi. This initiative aims to collect innovative ideas
that encourage environmentally friendly behaviors.

3. High temperatures in
Leh have caused flight cancellations due to the impact on aircraft performance.
As global temperatures continue to rise, these disruptions are expected to
become more frequent, necessitating both immediate and long-term measures to
ensure safe and efficient air travel.

4. Archaeologists have
unearthed a terracotta pipeline in the 10th phase of the excavation in Keeladi,
Sangam Era site, providing further evidence of the effective
water management practices followed by the settlement's inhabitants at least
2,600 years ago.

5. Recent studies have
highlighted a dramatic increase in methane levels since the early 2020s.
Methane, a potent greenhouse gas, has seen substantial growth in its
atmospheric concentration due to emissions from wetlands and fossil fuels.

6. India's ageing
population is growing rapidly, with the proportion of older persons expected to
rise from 8.6% in 2011 to 20.8% by 2050, raising concerns about social security
for the elderly.