News: India one of the key geographies affected by phishing attacks: Verizon



What's in the news?

       A report from Verizon Business has emphasized the rising incidence of phishing in India.

       Cybercriminals are resorting to new and sophisticated methods to deceive unsuspecting users into opening malicious emails or clicking on harmful links.


Key takeaways:

       As a result, there is an increased risk of users experiencing financial losses and the compromise of their personal data.


Highlights of the Study:

       The report highlighted that there has been improvement in reporting practices of such incidents of phishing in India. However only 20% of users now identify and report phishing during simulation tests.

       It also revealed that espionage attacks dominate the cybersecurity landscape in the Asia-Pacific region, including India.

       In the Asia-Pacific region, 25% of cyberattacks stem from espionage, a stark contrast to the 6% and % in Europe and North America, respectively.

       The Asia-Pacific region saw a 180% growth in vulnerability exploitation.

       System intrusion, social engineering, and basic web application attacks represent 95% of breaches in the Asian Pacific region.

       The study also found that the most common types of data compromised are credentials (69%), internal (37%), and secrets (24%).



       It refers to an attempt to steal sensitive information in the form of usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, bank account information or other important data to utilize or sell the stolen information.


How is Phishing done?

       In a phishing attack, the sender pretends to be someone trustworthy to the recipient, such as a family member, the CEO of their company, or a well-known figure offering giveaways.

       The message prompts immediate action, often with a sense of urgency and directing the recipient to a fake website resembling a legitimate one.

       They are asked to input their login credentials which are then stolen by the attacker for identity theft, financial fraud, or selling personal information. The phishing email’s destination URL closely resembles the legitimate one.


Go back to basics:

Related Terms:

1. Spam:

       Spam is unsolicited email, instant messages, or social media messages. These messages are fairly easy to spot and can be damaging if you open or respond.


2. Spear Phishing:

       Spear Phishing occurs when criminals obtain information about you from websites or social networking sites, and customize a phishing scheme to you.


3. Spoofing:

       Spoofing describes a criminal who impersonates another individual or organization, with the intent to gather personal or business information.


4. Pharming:

       Pharming is a malicious website that resembles a legitimate website, used to gather usernames and passwords.