News: Glycemic index of diets: importance beyond diabetes control


What's in the news?

       Recently, researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IIT Guwahati) developed a portable, affordable glycemic index (GI) sensor that can determine the GI of different food sources in real-time.


Highlights of the Study:

1. Importance of Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load (GL):

       GL is determined by multiplying GI with carbohydrate intake.


2. Debate on GI’s Impact:

       While some nutritionists emphasize the harmful effects of high GI diets and the benefits of low GI diets, others argue that focusing solely on GI overlooks the quality of other macronutrients like protein and fat.


3. Evidence of GI’s Role in Health:

       Studies, including the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study, link high GI diets to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and mortality.

       This underscores the significance of considering GI beyond diabetes management.


4. Global Implications:

       The association between high GI diets and cardiovascular events is particularly relevant in countries like India, where carbohydrate-rich foods like white rice dominate diets, leading to elevated GL and increased disease risk.


5. Recommendations for Low GI Diets:

       Foods with low GI, such as brown rice, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, offer alternatives to high GI options like sugar, white rice, and refined flour products.

       Shifting towards low GI foods can contribute to better health outcomes.


6. Combating Cardiovascular Disease in India:

       Encouraging the adoption of low GI diets alongside regular physical activity can help reduce the prevalence of premature cardiovascular disease in India.

       Replacing ‘bad’ carbohydrates with ‘good’ ones holds promise for improving public health outcomes.


Go back to basics:

1. Glycemic Index (GI):

       The concept of GI was introduced by Prof. David Jenkins. It assesses how foods affect blood glucose levels.


Key Features:

It categorizes foods into low, medium, and high GI based on their impact compared to glucose.

       High Glycemic Index (GI) foods are digested and absorbed by the body quickly, leading to a rapid spike in blood sugar levels.

       For example, Sugary foods and beverages, white bread, potatoes, and white rice.


       Low and medium GI foods are digested more slowly, causing a more gradual increase in blood sugar levels.

       For example - Fruits and vegetables, pulses, and whole grains like porridge oats.



       The scale ranges from 0 to 100, with pure glucose assigned a value of 100.

       Lower GI foods cause a slower increase in blood sugar levels, while highly processed foods tend to have higher GI values.

       Additionally, foods rich in fiber or fat typically have lower GI values.


Glycemic Load:

       Glycemic Load (GL) considers both the quality and quantity of carbohydrates in a specific food.

       It is determined by multiplying the food’s GI by the amount of available carbohydrate in a serving.