News: indian brahmos missiles delivered to the philippines: the missile’s significance


what's in the news?

       recently, india delivered the first batch of brahmos supersonic cruise missiles to the philippines.



       the brahmos is a ramjet supersonic cruise missile jointly developed by the indian defence research and development organisation (drdo) and russia’s npo mashinostroyeniya.



       the name “brahmos” is derived from the combination of two rivers - the brahmaputra in india and the moskva in russia.

       it is based on the russian p-800 oniks missile.

       it is the first supersonic cruise missile known to be in service.

       induction of the first version of brahmos weapon complex in the indian navy commenced from 2005.


key features:

       it is currently the world’s fastest anti-ship cruise missile in operation and is capable of reaching speeds of mach 2.8 to mach 3.

       they can hit a target up to a range of 290 kilometers and can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft, or land platforms.


strategic significance of brahmos:

       brahmos is a two-stage missile with a solid propellant booster engine.

       its first stage brings the missile to supersonic speed (meaning faster than sound) and then gets separated.

       the liquid ramjet or the second stage then takes the missile closer to three times the speed of sound in cruise phase.


special features:

       universal for multiple platforms.

       fire and forget principle of operation.

       being a ‘fire and forget’ type missile, brahmos which are called “standoff range weapons” are fired from a range far enough to allow the attacker to evade defensive counter-fire.

       high supersonic speed all through the flight.

       it has three times the speed, 2.5 times flight range and higher range compared to subsonic cruise missiles.

       long flight range with varieties of flight trajectories.

       it can achieve a cruising altitude of 15 km and a terminal altitude as low as 10 m to hit the target.

       low radar signature, making it stealthy, and can achieve a variety of trajectories.

       shorter flight times leading to lower target dispersion and quicker engagement.

       pin point accuracy with high lethal power aided by large kinetic energy on impact.